How to Find Affordable Outdoor Gear


Finding the proper gear can be a huge barrier to enjoying the outdoors happily and safely. Outdoor clothing and gear is often expensive and can be overwhelming to shop for. While you certainly don’t need top of the line clothing or gear to have fun, you do need things that keep you safe, warm, and dry.

Knowing how to find affordable outdoor gear is a helpful skill to have in your arsenal. Here are some tips to get you started.

Find a local used gear shop

Whenever possible, it’s a great practice to shop close to home and put cash into your local economy. If your town or city has a used gear shop, that’s always a great first place to check. You’ll often find great deals on lightly used but high quality gear that would otherwise cost an arm and a leg. Many of my favorite purchases have been from my local used gear shop. Plus, you enjoy the added benefit of supporting the reduce, reuse, recycle ethos. It’s a win-win!

Look for gear swaps near you

Gear swaps in your area are a great place to find deals on outdoor gear. Keep an eye on local forums and bulletin boards, social media groups, or get in touch with local resorts or ski clubs to learn what opportunities are nearby. You can find a new home for gear you’re done with or have outgrown and bring home something “new to you” for yourself.

Sign up for pro deals

Do you work in the outdoor industry? If so, you could be eligible for pro deals that will give you discounts on clothing and gear from certain brands. Sites like ExpertVoice, Outdoor ProLink, and more can hook you up to amazing deals. If you qualify, you can also often go right through a specific brand’s website and apply directly for their pro purchase program.

Be sure to follow the rules of your pro deals, like only shopping for yourself, and do the brands a favor by talking up their products to the customers and clients you work with.

Use an online platform


There are lots of great website that sell affordable outdoor clothing and gear - both new and used. Sites like The House, Steep and Cheap, and Patagonia’s Worn Wear program are just a few examples of places to check out.

No matter which method you choose, there is probably a way to find a good deal on whatever piece of outdoor clothing or gear you need. You just have to know where to look! Even though we’re a long way off, my hope is that gear becomes more and more affordable and accessible for all people wanting to enjoy the outdoors.

What are your favorite and time-tested ways to find affordable outdoor gear? Let me know in the comments!


Across the Pond: An English Day Out


Spotlight: Leona